March 18, 2020
The Church should be unified in the message of Christ- all of us need the grace and mercy of the cross! May we find grace in our disagreements so we can proclaim that unified message!
March 18, 2020
The Church should be unified in the message of Christ- all of us need the grace and mercy of the cross! May we find grace in our disagreements so we can proclaim that unified message!
March 10, 2020
A great challenge to the Church: as those called out, we are God’s presence in this world. We need to take that position seriously as we engage with a world desperate to know that God loves them. We, as Christ’s body, have been entrusted with this wonderful message!
March 1, 2020
The Church depends upon the power of God’s Holy Spirit to guide and lead us! Together, we are called into God’s power to serve Him.
February 24, 2020
Loud shouts have marked the work of God for a long time. Joshua shouted and the walls of Jericho fell. Jesus shouted and the wall of separation called sin fell. The throne of God will shout and we will be together in God’s presence forever! May we loudly proclaim the goodness of God!
February 11, 2020
We give praise to God for all that He has given to us, but also for those things we have not yet received. We trust that God works for the good of those who serve Him!
February 3, 2020
Just like our hands express a lot of communication, so does our posture. We should be willing to kneel before our God as our Lord and King!
January 27, 2020
The playing of instruments is a frequent way to praise God and declare Him as worthy! In everything we do, we should offer our best as a sign of our worship of God!
January 22, 2020
We are called to be uninhibited in our worship of our God- just as His love for us was uninhibited by our failures. May we give our God our hallelujahs!
January 14, 2020
Worship is fundamental to our spiritual lives- we are called to worship God! Eventually, we will be worshiping Him together for all eternity! This winter we will explore worship using a variety of Hebrew words that are commonly translated as praise. Yadah is praising God with our hands extended! May we yadah God each day… Read More »
January 5, 2020
God has been very good to Ono! We look forward to seeing where He leads us in 2020!