An excerpt from "Christian" entitled, "The Biblical Concept of "Time" by Wayne Jackson, states: "Paul spoke of the “times” that preceded the redemptive mission of Jesus (Eph. 1:10). The apostle employs the term kairos (frequently rendered “seasons” – KJV), which generally denotes an era characterized by certain features (cf. Vine, p. 708). There was, for example, a “period of beginnings” that featured the early centuries of earth’s history, during which significant events like the creation, the fall of man, the great flood, etc. occurred. There was a span that might be characterized as “the Hebrew family,” in which the lives of certain prominent patriarchs were chronicled. The Hebrews passed through a stage known as “Egyptian bondage,” followed by “the wilderness wandering,” and then the “conquest of Canaan,” etc. There was the era of the united kingdom, and subsequently that of Israel and Judah. And so, Old Testament history was delineated by distinct “times.” This article may be viewed at: The Biblical Concept of "Time"/
Reference: Romans 9:9