An excerpt from "Dave" entitled, "Falling Short of the Glory of God" states: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23 NIV
"Everyone of us have failed to be that reflection of the glory of God. We have not lived up to God’s purpose and intention for our lives.
Not only do we fail at loving God and loving others – probably on a daily basis, but we are born with a natural inclination to be selfish rather than loving. That wasn’t God’s design. God’s design is that we would be born inclined to worship and love God and to be kind to one another, to serve one another, to do good to one another. But that’s sure not the case, is it?
We’re born selfish. We have a natural inclination to rebel against and to ignore God – and to do whatever we want to get whatever we want.
Paul describes the human condition as being ‘slaves to sin’ – like we have this internal drive to ‘miss the mark’ – to fail at being who God created us to be." This article may be viewed at: Falling Short of the Glory of God/
Reference: Romans 3:23
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